Instagram Those amazing brunches! Corn pancakes with Avacado, yoghurt, poached egg, tomato beans, and fresh greens from the backyard garden! #brunch #cafe #paris #food #vegetarian February 6, 2019 / read more You May Also Like What you see depends not only on what you look at, but also on what you look from! Even the largest of things can seem small to you! It’s all about perspective! #nyc #birdsview #topoftheworld #perspectiveoflife #spectaclesoflife #beautifuldestinations November 17, 2017 Even if it is a barren land, it welcomes us with open arms! #utah #utaharizonaborder #border #glencanyon #lakepowell #arizona #usadiaries October 24, 2017 #smoothiebowls ❤️ #healthy #tasty March 3, 2019
Instagram Working in a Parisian cafe along with my comfort food! #paris #cafe #digitalnomad #coffee #waffles February 5, 2019 / read more You May Also Like What you see depends not only on what you look at, but also on what you look from! Even the largest of things can seem small to you! It’s all about perspective! #nyc #birdsview #topoftheworld #perspectiveoflife #spectaclesoflife #beautifuldestinations November 17, 2017 #iEat April 21, 2017 August 30, 2017 (11:42 am) August 30, 2017